Dragon Motorbikes Dragon

Dragon Motorbikes Are Go

IMG_7413Its taken alot of work and a great deal of time but we have finally opened for business and the response has been great.

An idea that has become a reality catering for the real biking enthusiasts looking for passion and quality something that both Marc Dellapina and Patrizio Marchetti felt was lacking in the biking world.

Located in Durham City right next to Tescos in Dragonville Induistrial Estate…we are in a developing area with lots of activity and only 100 meters from Turbopacs and the Tassimo machine !

Why did we do it then ?

Dragon Motorbikes at work
Dragon Motorbikes at work

Both of our businesses, Turbopacs and PM Motorbikes where bursting at the seems…we didnt have enough room to use our dynos…..a good sized unit became available close to Turbopacs and so an idea was born and then morphed into Dragon Motorbikes Ltd…


With 2 bikes dynos and a car dyno at our disposal we have the tools to measure before and after performance figues when tuning your bike or car…

Patrizio at Dragon
Patrizio at Dragon

Patrizio has a wonderful depth of knowledge and the toys to bring all these skills together and simply loves what he does……from a simple diagnostic or power run through to complete competition engine re-builds, suspension servicing,carb repairs and tuning and of course his real passion……all things 2 strokes


Marc through Turbopacs has many decades of ecu tuning experience which some time ago spilled over into bike remapping…a perfect marriage.

Our bikes dynos allow us to test bikes for not only performance figures but also refinement, allowing us to then advise you on whats possible and the way to go about it. If your bikes requires some TLC then its come to the right place.

Dragon Motorbikes Dyno
Dragon Motorbikes Dyno

Over the winter period we attract alot of interest from owners who have decided that now is the time to get their pride and joy the attention that it deserves. Many bikes we see have never had their suspoensuion serviced let alone adjusted to suit the individual.


Servicing, valve clearences, carb tune ups, remaps after fitting exhsusts etc all need to be looked at over the winter.

We dont just cater for road riders either….both of us love the track and have a great deal of experience in this area..so feel free to pop over and we are always more than happy to talk through next years racing or trackday plans !

Patrizio on track
Patrizio on track
Marc on track
Marc on track